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New Jersey Administrative Law: NJ Administrative Law Research Process

Guide to administrative law research for New Jersey

Conducting New Jersey Administrative Law Research

In order to conduct current and comprehensive New Jersey administrative regulation research, follow these steps:

Step 1: Search the New Jersey Administrative Code (NJAC) for relevant regulations. All electronic versions of the NJAC allow researchers to browse the table of contents.  They also have keyword search capability, though the commercial versions are better for this purpose.  Researchers can also browse the print version of the NJAC.

Step 2: Note the currency date of your version of the NJAC. This information is posted at the top of the online public NJAC’s code sections. The electronic legal information subscription databases all provide currency information for their NJAC databases in their database information sections.

Step 3: Note the publication date for the last several versions of the New Jersey Register.

Step 4: If any of the recent New Jersey Register issues have been published after the currency date for your version of the NJAC, review those issues to see if they include any information relevant to your research interests. If a final regulation has been published in the New Jersey Register, it is considered valid law regardless whether it has yet been incorporated into the NJAC.