For general inquiries about services, events, or access to library resources, please contact
For questions about legal research, help finding books or articles, or assistance using legal databases, please contact one of our reference librarians: David Haendler, Lindsay Steussy, or Jessa Feiler. You can also schedule an appointment for an in-person or Zoom reference consultation, or ask questions using the Ask a Law Librarian chat feature on our website.
For questions about course reserves, please contact Margaret DeFelice.
The LRC space in the law building is currently available for law student access 24/7. This page collects library resources that students can access in the library and remotely.
If you would like research assistance from one of our reference librarians, you can use the Ask a Law Librarian chat feature on our website. You can also book an in-person or Zoom meeting with one of our reference librarians.
Patrons have remote access to databases and electronic materials available through our catalog. For listings of library resources, please see the LRC website at
If you need access to study aids, you can access Wolters Kluwers ebook study aids, as well as all West Study Aid resources (including many career resources) electronically.
Other online library services include:
LRC staff are also available via email to assist you with accessing library resources. You can direct general inquiries to If you have a question for a particular staff member, please see our staff directory: If you have questions about an ILL item you have checked out or would like to obtain, please contact Margaret at
This Mental Health Guide was compiled for students, faculty, and staff. It provides a range of information resources, including:
Readers can explore library materials, cook a new recipe, attend a virtual concert, and much more! A work in progress, this guide is regularly updated. Please take some time to explore different sections. (There's probably at least one resource you didn't expect!)
LRC mascot Ruth Birder Ginsbeak welcomes you!