To find books about health law, start with a search in our library catalog. Try these Library of Congress subject headings to better narrow your search (choose Subject from the drop down menu). If you are looking for results from a specific location, add that location to the end of your search. For example, searching for “Health care reform” only yields 10 results, but searching for “Health care reform United States” finds 125. You can also browse the list of results to see items from multiple regions as well as narrower topics.
To find more books, also do a search in WorldCat, which searches thousands of libraries across the United States and around the world. If you find a book in WorldCat that our library system does not have, you can request it using Illiad inter-library loan.
The Pennsylvania Bar Institute (PBI) publishes numerous compilations of CLE material every year, many on topics related to health care law. To find all of the PBI materials in the catalog, search for Pennsylvania Bar Institute and any relevant keyword. Some examples of available PBI materials are included below.