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Career & Practice Guide: Environmental Law

This LibGuide is an overview of a new collection at the Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law Legal Research Center.

Environmental Law Career Resource Guide

This career guide provides examples of opportunities and resources for law students pursuing a career in environmental law. Explore the websites below for employment opportunities, conferences, scholarship opportunities, and helpful resources. Please contact the CSO with any additional resources to supplement this compilation. 

Internships & Job Opportunities: Government

  • Legislative Branch – U.S. Senate and House of Representative Committees and Subcommittees (e.g., House Committee on Energy and Commerce and Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works) – See Capitol Hill resources on Symplicity homepage under “Government Resources.”

Non-Profit Organizations

Private Sector

  • Private law firms – Use the NALP Directory and Law Firm Spreadsheets located on the Symplicity homepage as well as to identify firms that specialize in environmental law.  Areas of practice within environmental law include product liability, oil & gas (a growth area), toxic tort, land use, zoning & leases, municipal law, personal injury, energy law, environmental regulatory counseling, and title work.
  • Private Public Interest Law Firms (PPILF) – For those interested in an environmental justice practice.  These firms generally represent class action or individual plaintiffs in toxic tort cases against corporations or government agencies. 

Additional Resources (practice area guides, advocacy programs and job boards)