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Experiential Learning Research Guide: Legislative History

A guide for Drexel's Thomas R. Kline School of Law co-op and clinic students.

State Legislative History Guides

Legislative Histories Compiled by LRC

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Legislative History Overview

A legislative history is a record of sources documenting a bill’s passage into law. The most important legislative history source documents are:

  • Committee reports
  • Floor debate
  • Original and amended bills, and
  • Committee hearings

A legislative history can take many forms, including the following:

  • A collection of the full source documents
  • A list of source documents
  • A narrative of a bill’s passage into law
  • A law as originally passed with all amendments made by subsequent Congresses

Why research legislative history? Researching legislative history is sometimes used to interpret the meaning of statutory text, though such a practice is criticized by some. Legislative history can also help you understand the purpose and function of a statute, i.e., what it was intended to do and how it was intended to do it. Students and new associates will often be tasked with the job of compiling a legislative history. So knowing about legislative history will let you hit the ground running.

Publications on Federal Legislative Procedure

To understand what you are looking for in legislative history, you have to know about legislative procedure.  The following sources can provide you with a basic background.

Sources of Compiled Legislative Histories

These databases contain legislative histories that have already been compiled, bringing together bill drafts, committee reports, floor debates, hearings, and other relevant documents. 

Sources of Committee Reports

Sources of Floor Debate