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1L Welcome Guide: Study Guides by Subject

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What Are Study Guides?

Study guides (also known as study aids) are books and other materials that can assist you with studying for an exam or can help you understand a particular topic.

In the LRC, current study guides are behind the circulation desk on reserve and can be checked out in the library for two hours at a time. Older editions can be found in the stacks. These study guides can be checked out for longer periods and can even be taken out of the library, but note that older editions may not include the most current law.

We have also subscribed to both Aspen/Wolters-Kluwer eBooks and West Academic Study Aids databases in order to provide online access to many of our study guide resources.

Study guides are secondary authority and, in general, should not be cited in memoranda, briefs, etc.  You can use them to clarify, explain or outline a particular legal topic, but you should always check with a reputable primary source to ensure accuracy, currency, and completeness.

This guide provides lists of study guides for first-year classes:

Types of Study Guides

There are many different types of study guides out there. Here are some that we have in the LRC:


Hornbooks are usually a single-volume text covering one specific legal topic. The coverage is detailed and includes commentary and analysis, as well as references to primary sources. The Concise Hornbook Series (West Academic) is a line of simplified, streamlined hornbooks.


Nutshells (West Academic) provide a concise summary of the legal topic in narrative form. These materials are a great quick reference guide when you need an overview of a particular topic. Nutshells contain limited primary source citations.

Understanding Series

The Understanding Series (Carolina Academic Press) provides concise analysis of particular areas of the law with citations to primary sources.

Acing Series

The Acing Series (West Academic) presents legal topics in a checklist format to help you learn the law in a step-by-step manner.

Examples & Explanations

The Examples & Explanations Series (Aspen Learning Library) provides a question and answer type format to help you study, review and test your understanding in numerous subjects. The hypothetical questions are followed by detailed explanations and analysis, but contain limited primary source citations.


An outline covers the basic principles and issues involved in a legal subject. These are good to review when preparing for class or when studying for an examination, but generally lack citations to primary sources. Some of the outlines available include the Black Letter Outlines Series (West Academic) and Emanuel Law Outlines Series (Aspen Learning Library).


Flashcards are cards with information on each side, such as a question on the front and answer on the back. Flash cards are used as an aid in memorization, so they can be very helpful in studying for tests such as final examinations or the bar exam.

Kline School of Law students and faculty have access to Emanuel Law in a Flash flashcards powered by! The digital flashcard deck includes over 8100 cards covering 15 course areas, including Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law, Evidence, and more. Emanuel flashcards are perfect for reviewing important definitions, hypotheticals, and black letter law throughout the semester and at exam time. You can also create and share custom flashcards and study user-created flashcards covering specific courses, professors, and state-specific bar essay topics.

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