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Teaching & Learning Resources: Conducting Courses Remotely

A guide to educational resources for teaching and learning in law school.

Drexel Information Technology Training

Blackboard Learn


This session is designed as an introduction to Blackboard Learn. The participants will learn how to build out a new course and use a number of the basic tools.

Course Tools

This session will cover Learn's most frequently-used tools, including Discussions, Assignments & Grade Center. Participants should have attended Learn Basics or be comfortable with Learn.

Test Basics

Tests in Learn gauge student knowledge and progress. This workshop will demonstrate how to create and deploy a test in Learn. The variety of question types will be discussed, as well as the do's and don'ts of test-building.

Understanding the Grade Center

The Grade Center can be one of the most confusing and stressful parts of managing your online course - but it doesn't have to be! This course will introduce you to the Grade Center, walk you through basic grade column creation and management, and show you how you can calculate and submit final grades in Learn.

Improving Student Success and Retention

This six-week online workshop focuses on using Blackboard Analytics to understand how students are accessing your course in Blackboard Learn and how you can use this data to help your students succeed. Each week, faculty will learn about an aspect of course analytics, as well as have the opportunity to participate in discussions about the weekly topic. All of the information from the sessions can be applied immediately to both current and previous term courses in Learn. The date listed here represents the first week of the course, and subsequent sessions will be held on the same day, at the same time, for the following 5 weeks.

Blackboard Learn Training Video

Diversity and Inclusion Online

Recording a Zoom Meeting

Key Contacts: Technical Support

Blackboard Learn Resources

Blackboard Collaborate Resources

Other Ways to Engage Students